Blog / All You Need To Know MCAT Oxidation And Reduction Reactions

All You Need to Know: MCAT Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Written by Seza on Dec 3, 2024

The MCAT exam heavily emphasizes a foundational understanding of oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions. These reactions are not just a random chemistry concept – they play a fundamental role in various biological processes tested on the MCAT. Understanding redox reactions equips you to tackle a wide range of MCAT topics in:

  • Metabolism: Grasping how energy is transferred and stored within cells heavily relies on comprehending how molecules undergo oxidation and reduction during processes like cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
  • Chemical Biology: Many MCAT passages involve analyzing enzyme mechanisms and their dependence on electron transfer, which is a core principle of redox reactions.
  • Biochemical Pathways: Understanding how biomolecules like carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are broken down or synthesized often involves recognizing redox changes.

Therefore, a solid grasp of redox reactions is not only crucial for specific MCAT questions but also serves as a cornerstone for comprehending broader biological and chemical concepts tested on the exam.

MCAT General Chemistry

Basics of MCAT Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

MCAT Oxidation and Reduction Defined

  • Oxidation: In essence, oxidation refers to the loss of electrons by an atom or molecule leading to a decrease in the oxidative state
  • Reduction: On the other hand, reduction signifies the gain of electrons by an atom or molecule leading to a decrease in oxidative state.

MCAT Oxidation Numbers

  • Oxidation Numbers: These assigned numbers represent the hypothetical charge an atom would have if all its bonds were purely ionic. They provide a way to track electron flow in a reaction.
  • Identifying Redox Reactions: A change in oxidation numbers during a reaction indicates a redox process has occurred.
    • Oxidation: When an atom’s oxidation number increases, it signifies electron loss (oxidation).
    • Reduction: Conversely, a decrease in the oxidation number reflects electron gain (reduction).

Key Terms to Master MCAT Redox Reactions

  • Oxidizing Agent: The entity that accepts electrons from another species during a reaction, causing the other species to be oxidized.
  • Reducing Agent: The entity that donates electrons and gets oxidized in the process, causing the other species to be reduced.
  • Redox Couple: A pair of elements or ions that can readily undergo oxidation and reduction by interconverting between forms with different oxidation states.

Remember, these terms are like the characters in a play – oxidation and reduction are the actions they perform, and keeping track of the electron flow helps determine who’s getting oxidized (electron loser) and who’s getting reduced (electron gainer).

MCAT Oxidation and Reduction in Biological Systems

Cellular Respiration

Cellular respiration, the process by which cells harvest energy from food molecules, is a prime example of how redox reactions orchestrate cellular work. Let’s delve into the key stages:

  1. Glycolysis: The initial stage breaks down glucose (sugar) and extracts some energy. Here, specific molecules like NAD+ act as electron carriers, accepting electrons from glucose during its breakdown. This process signifies the oxidation of glucose (electron loss) and the reduction of NAD+ (electron gain).
  2. Krebs Cycle: This citric acid cycle further breaks down the products from glycolysis, releasing energy trapped in the bonds. More electron carriers (e.g., FAD) participate, getting reduced by accepting electrons from the Krebs cycle intermediates.
  3. Electron Transport Chain: This is where the magic happens. The reduced electron carriers from previous stages pump protons across a membrane, creating an electrochemical gradient. As the electrons flow through the chain, they lose energy used to synthesize ATP (cellular energy currency). Finally, oxygen (the electron acceptor) accepts electrons from the chain, undergoing reduction and forming water.


Plants utilize the sun’s energy to fuel photosynthesis, and redox plays a crucial role here as well:

  1. Light-Dependent Reactions: Light energy excites electrons in photopigments (like chlorophyll), promoting their transfer to electron carrier molecules. This oxidation of the pigment (electron loss) is coupled with the reduction of NADP+ (electron gain).

Therefore, photosynthesis showcases how captured light energy drives electron transfer, ultimately leading to the reduction of carbon dioxide into organic fuel.

Key Takeaway: Redox reactions serve as the fundamental currency for energy transfer in both cellular respiration (breaking down fuel) and photosynthesis (capturing energy from sunlight). Understanding how molecules gain or lose electrons is essential for grasping these vital biological processes.

Common MCAT Redox Reagents

Common Oxidizing Agents

In the realm of redox reactions, oxidizing agents are the electron acceptors, always eager to gain electrons from others. Here are some frequently encountered ones:

  • Oxygen (O2): The most abundant biological oxidizing agent. It readily accepts electrons during cellular respiration, undergoing reduction to water.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Often used as a disinfectant due to its oxidizing properties. In biological systems, enzymes like catalase help decompose H2O2 into water and oxygen.
  • NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide): A crucial electron carrier in cellular respiration. It gets reduced by accepting electrons from breakdown products, and the reduced form (NADH) participates in further electron transfer reactions.
  1. Applications:
  • Chemical manufacturing: Oxygen is used in various industrial processes for oxidation reactions.
  • Bleaching: Hydrogen peroxide is used as a bleaching agent due to its ability to oxidize pigments.
  • Cellular signaling: NAD+ plays a role in various cellular signaling pathways beyond its function in energy metabolism.

Common Reducing Agents

While oxidizing agents are electron-hungry, reducing agents are generous donors, readily giving away electrons. Some prominent examples include:

  • NADH (Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide): The reduced form of NAD+, generated from accepting electrons during cellular respiration. It acts as a reducing agent in various biological processes.
  • Coenzyme Q (CoQ): Another electron carrier molecule involved in the electron transport chain. It accepts electrons from other molecules and passes them along the chain.
  • Sulfhydryl groups (R-SH): These functional groups present in certain amino acids (like cysteine) can act as reducing agents by donating electrons.
  1. Applications:
  • Biosynthesis: NADH is a reducing agent in numerous biosynthetic pathways, providing electrons for the synthesis of molecules like fatty acids and amino acids.
  • Antioxidants: Molecules like glutathione contain sulfhydryl groups and act as cellular antioxidants by donating electrons to neutralize free radicals.

Remember, recognizing these common redox reagents equips you to analyze reactions and predict electron flow, a valuable skill for tackling MCAT problems.

MCAT Oxidation and Reduction Beyond Biology: Chemical Applications

Redox reactions extend their influence beyond the realm of biological processes and play a vital role in various areas of chemistry:


  • Half-Reactions and Electrodes: Redox reactions can be separated into two half-reactions, one representing oxidation (electron loss) and the other reduction (electron gain).
  • Electrodes: In an electrochemical cell, a half-reaction occurs at each electrode:
    • Anode: The site where oxidation takes place. Electrons released during oxidation flow through an external circuit.
    • Cathode: The site where reduction occurs. Electrons from the circuit are accepted for reduction to happen.
  1. Applications:
  • Batteries: Function based on spontaneous redox reactions. The oxidation at the anode generates electrons that flow through the circuit to the cathode, where reduction occurs. This flow of electrons constitutes the electric current.
  • Electrolysis: The process utilizes electrical energy to drive non-spontaneous redox reactions. By applying an external voltage, electrolysis forces a reaction to occur at the electrodes, allowing for the production of various chemicals.

Chemical Synthesis

  • Organic Chemistry: Redox reactions are instrumental in numerous organic synthesis reactions. Here are a few examples:
    • Alcohols to ketones: Oxidation of primary alcohols using oxidizing agents like chromic acid (CrO3) converts them to ketones.
    • Alkenes to alkanes: Addition reactions involving hydrogenation (reduction) using catalysts like palladium or platinum, add hydrogen atoms to double bonds, converting alkenes into saturated alkanes.

Understanding how functional groups undergo oxidation or reduction allows chemists to strategically manipulate organic molecules and synthesize desired products.

Key Point:  Grasping the principles of redox reactions in electrochemistry and chemical synthesis broadens your understanding of their applicability beyond biological systems.

MCAT Oxidation and Reduction Reactions High Yield Topics

Oxidation and Reduction

MCAT questions frequently test your knowledge of redox reactions in various contexts. Understanding these concepts is crucial for tackling problems related to:

  • Cellular metabolism: Interpreting flow of electrons in processes like glycolysis and the electron transport chain.
  • Biomolecules: Recognizing oxidation and reduction of functional groups in carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
  • Chemical reactions: Analyzing electron transfer involved in organic chemistry mechanisms.

MCAT Mastery: Tips for Redox Problem-Solving

  • Identify the Reaction: Recognize if the scenario involves electron transfer between species, indicating a potential redox reaction.
  • Track Electron Flow: Pay attention to changes in oxidation numbers of elements.
    • Increase signifies oxidation (electron loss).
    • Decrease signifies reduction (electron gain).
  • Utilize mnemonics: Tools like “LEO goes GER” (Lose Electrons, Oxidized; Gain Electrons, Reduced) can aid in memorization.
  • Practice balancing redox reactions: Mastering the half-reaction method strengthens your understanding of electron transfer.
MCAT Tutoring

MCAT Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Sample Questions

Here’s an example to illustrate these points:

Question 1:

During cellular respiration, which of the following statements accurately describes the role of NAD+ in glycolysis?

(A) It acts as an oxidizing agent, accepting electrons from glucose.

(B) It functions as a reducing agent, donating electrons to pyruvate.

(C) It remains unchanged throughout the process.

(D) It breaks down glucose into simpler molecules.

Answer:  (A)


  • In glycolysis, glucose is broken down, and NAD+ accepts electrons, getting reduced to NADH.
  • Therefore, NAD+ acts as an oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) in this context.

Question 2:

During cellular respiration, which of the following statements accurately describes the role of FAD in the Krebs cycle?

(A) It acts as an oxidizing agent, accepting electrons from pyruvate.

(B) It functions as a reducing agent, donating electrons to succinate.

(C) It remains unchanged throughout the cycle.

(D) It breaks down pyruvate into acetyl CoA.

Answer:  (A)


  • In the Krebs cycle, FAD accepts electrons from specific molecules (e.g., succinate) and gets reduced.
  • Therefore, FAD acts as an oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) in this context.

Question 3:

The following reaction is part of the light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis:

P680 (excited) + Pheophytin → P680 + Pheophytin⁻ + e⁻

Which of the following statements is true regarding this reaction?

(A) P680 is oxidized, and Pheophytin is reduced.

(B) P680 is reduced, and Pheophytin is oxidized.

(C) Both P680 and Pheophytin undergo oxidation.

(D) Both P680 and Pheophytin undergo reduction.

Answer:  (A)


  • P680 loses an electron (e⁻) and is therefore oxidized.
  • Pheophytin gains the electron and is consequently reduced.


Mastering redox reactions is crucial for acing the MCAT, as they form the cornerstone of vital biological processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis. A fundamental understanding of oxidation numbers is essential for identifying electron transfer and discerning between oxidized and reduced species. Recognizing common oxidizing and reducing agents is key to predicting electron flow in various reactions. Proficiency in redox concepts enables you to navigate complex metabolic pathways, comprehend the behavior of biomolecules like carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, and tackle challenges in organic chemistry. To succeed on the MCAT, consistently practice interpreting reactions through the lens of oxidation and reduction. Regularly review core concepts and utilize the outlined tips to solidify your knowledge. Embrace additional resources such as MCAT prep materials and practice tests focusing on redox-related problems. By dedicating yourself to mastering these reactions, you’ll not only excel on the MCAT but also lay a strong foundation for success across various scientific disciplines, extending well beyond the exam. You can always contact Jack Westin’s team of academic consultants for more tailor-made advice during your MCAT prep journey. Make sure to check out our website for affordable MCAT online courses, tutoring options, free weekly sessions, practice questions, and more!

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